
The 2008 Music Messe
Another sweet drumsmith.com pictorial brought to you by

Dunnett Classic Drums & The George H. Way Drum Company
This pictorial is dedicated to the memory of
William F. Ludwig II aka The Chief
Text, images and video by Ronn Dunnett copyright 2008
Use of images, text or video without consent is prohibited.
All images are watermarked.
The opinions and smart ass commentary expressed
in this pictorial are those of the author.
Most of the time no offense is intended. Most of the time.

people have viewed this pictorial.
Pretty cool huh?
And now, before we being, my usual humble diatribe...
How I learned to stop sleeping
and love the snore.
Yet another incredible, memorable adventure!
First - get a cup of coffee. This is a long one. 20 pages, over 1000 images. We covered a lot of ground this trip. In addition to Frankfurt and all that one expects to see and hear, there is much more. Our travelogue is exceptional this year and includes our travels from Frankfurt to Rome, Florence, Pistoia, Pisa and Genoa. Plus 2 spectaclular stops to spend time with two of Italy's most famous cymbal makers - UFIP and Factory Spizzichino!. A long road indeed, but a journey Paul Mason and I enjoyed immensely. Please - take your time and enjoy the scenery. Expect the unexpected.
And oh yes...there WILL be accordians!
Special Thanks
Typed acknowledgements can seem trite, but I must extend
my most sincere and humble thanks to some truly gracious friends...
To Olly and Dieter Blahak at the Drum Center Koln for being so incredibly supportive.
To Andrea Ruta, for proving me so very wrong about Rome.
To the ever so patient and understanding Bill Detamore and Giovanni Chiarini
To Randy Black. Next time we bring shinny sticks!
To Paul Mason, for enduring my impatience, petulance and
eccentricities above and beyond the call.
I assembled this pictorial with you in mind - perhaps someday we'll look back and laugh harder than we did when we were actually there.
And to my family...Chris & Jack
And to the wonderful people that make up the community that is drumsmith.com...
This IS for you.
Enjoy the pics!
PS: Your comments and feedback are appreciated - please join up at Drumsmith.com if you are not already a member and let us know what you think and what you might like to see in future pictorials. Cheers!
Click here!

Messe Frankfurt
The view from Hall 3 |

Hall 3

View from Hall 3

Hall 3 Concession area
And you WILL make a few concession here...like fresh air, paying $20 for a piece
of schitzel (well, it was breaded something!) and a warm coke.
Nothing is too good or too expensive for Messe visitors!
Actually, the air quality in the hall was greatly improved
with the removal of the dishwasher sized ashtray stations inside the hall.
They even removed the postage stamp sized "No Smoking" signs above the entry doors.
Notes on beer : the Czech Budweiser is the best brew I found while in Germany. Canadian beer kicks ass.
Sorry boys, German beer is highly overrated.

Mostly symphonic percussion and mallet instruments.

Adams was showcasing this unique timpani design which is different from traditional timps in that instead of the head moving down over the bowl, the bowl lifts up into the head. Apparently, it makes a big difference. Aren't timps just cool looking machines?


Roy and Ron: welcome to the world of gentlemen, gentlemen.
After years of knowing Roy through business and trade shows
I finally had a chance to sit down with him for a quick lunch. Roy is a remarkable man and the time I spent speaking with him was one of the show highlights for me.

Agean Cymbals
Same poop, different pi(l)e. Agean is owned and operated bythe infamous Behnan, formerely of Masterworks.
Pretty soon they're going to run out of oceans to name cymbal companies after.

Great little stick company. Not available in North America.

No, it's not a kit for drummers whose girlfirends have kicked them to the curb, nor is it a kit for drummers in East Vancouver. This is a *ahem* a strap on. Drummers in certain parts of Switzerland play these kits during carnival - a cultural event. Kits like this are actually quite common there. 8 frames in and you've already learned something.

Istanbul AGOP

The Agop pie stand. Hot ands tasty.
I miised the Agop booth at NAMM so I'm making up for it with a few extra pictures here.



Amedia Cymbals
No shortage of great cymbal choices at Messe. Frankfurt is close enough that every
conceivable boutique manufacturer can afford to make the trip. The Amedia cymbals

I bet you have no idea what a Hitite is.

Anatolian Cymbals
Never mind oceans, pretty soon they are going to run out of words that start with A.
Anatolian cymbals are very popular in Europe.

Diamond Series. Yes, they sound as good as they look and the Chinas were sweet.

In a very basic booth in very basic black.

Very good quality percussion / orchestral instruments from France.
Makers of the one, the only Freedomfone.

Bosphorus Cymbals
OK! Moving along to the next letter and the next ocean...

Stanton's Famous
Hot n' Tasty NOLA pies.

Nice vintage Sonor kit spotted at the Bosphorus booth.

I had hopes for this company when they first appeared. They really came
out strong, however recent showings seem to have really fizzled.

Check out the Rogers type throw off.

The Cajon Manufactory
The big box store redefined. |

I can see how it might get a little confusing during teardown...
which box goes in which box?



Talk about a trade "mark"....handy when you need a Sharpie and all you have is a drum stick.


Stick out your hot, curly floor tom leg.


CVL Drums
High end manufacturer from Italy.
