Y to Z


As is their usual practise,the Yamaha drum booth is located in a different building, one that is exclusive to Yamaha

Yamaha's PHX series

Detachable lugs are just not my thing, but if I had to choose one I would take the Yamaha version.

Yamaha's new hex rail system


The electronic drum area is always popular - filled with the sounds of tapping on rubber pads.

A Yamaha demonstration of the Extreme III






Based on the success of the Groove All Stars show in Anaheim, Yamaha decided to take the show on the road.
Yamaha spared no expense in the production of this show. Great talent, great production and guests were all treated
like they were part of the family. And for one evening, they pretty much were.

The show brought hosts Rick Marotta and Wolfgang Haffner along to introduce artists including
J.R. Robinson, Akira Jimbo, Tom Brecgtlein, Tommy Aldridge, Andy Newmark, Ralf Gustke, Andrew Small, Bruno Castellucci, Erick Smith, Oskar Kraal, Volkan Oektem, Christian Meyer, Michel Dabrowka, Pedro Barcelo and Loic Pontieux..

In fact, there may have been a few too many drummers at this event. I think Yamaha was really trying to include endorsers from almost every country in Europe, but it made for a very long evening. As a photojournalist covering the event I faced a lot of challenges, mostly in the form of cymbal stands, music stands and general stage clutter that made it very difficult to get quality images of the artists. I did my best to capture what I could. The event ran late and I was not able to stay for J.R. Robinson.

Regardless, it was an excellent event and pleasure to attend.

Drumsmith.com would like to thank Jim Haler and the kind folks at
Yamaha for allowing us to attend and capture some of the event for our pictorial.

The ceiling of the rotunda

The VIP area. A very well catered event

The stage from the back of the rotunda

The snacks were totally yummy! Better than Berliners!

MC Rick Marotta...


...and Euro MC Wolfgang Haffner

Rick Marotta knocks one out. During the show, a video clip of Rick playing with James Taylor  on Sesame Street or the Muppet show plays - it's a great little clip.

Akira Jimbo

Christian Meyer


Andy Newmark

Ralf Gustke

Mario  Argandona

Volkan Oktem

FHS System (For Holding Stuff)

Erik Smith




Pedro Barcelo

Andrew Small


Tommy "Steals the show again" Aldridge



Tom Brechtlein



Wolfgang Haffner
