In a city like Rome - in a country like Italy, food is art. It is also a daily social engagement.
It simply cannot be rushed and must be savoured. I purchased a bottle of very fine Balsamic from this shop.
Absolutely amazing stuff.

Homage to Jeanloup Sieff / Helmut Newton

Plus sizes welcome!


Multiple choice:

1.Mason induces vomiting with finger
2. Mason gets romantic with a fire hydrant
3. Mason providing olfactory confirmatio that it is, in fact dog feces
4. Mason gets a drink from "big nose"

The Spanish steps.


Barcaccia Fountain





Burned out scooters - someone set these ablaze.

Roman chewing gum machine. Tasted awful.

Big Sister is watching

An interesting wooden toy factory


A drive-by shot of the pyramid

La Dolce Vita, right Andrea?

Andrea is a fantastic drummer.

Trevi Fountain

All I can say is - click on the image!

A beautiful girl, an evening in Rome...a fleeting moment....