
Agora Stage / Artists |

The Agora Stage
Located in the middle of the Messe courtyard (the white tent behind me in the image) the Agora Stage is a great
venue to see some trule great artists up close. I would have to spend the entire 4 days to capture all of the artists
but I got what I could! |



Click the icon for an MPEG clip of Curt


Click the icon for an MPEG clip of JoJo


Click the icon for an MPEG clip of JoJo

Anatomy of a Photo Edit
Try as I might I can't always nail the perfect shot. Sometimes I have one really great element - a facial expression or interesting stick position, but something will be blocking another important element or a stand will be in the way or the light won't be right. Usually I can work with almost anything. I thought it might be interesting to show you a quick example.
Great shot of JoJo - great expression, good stick movement, interesting framing of the face with the drum elements. But!...the cymbal is blocking part of JoJo's lovely coif. Might not bother most viewers but me..drives me nuts. What to do? |

By selecting the cymbal and moving it to the right - and out of JoJo's hair - the shot is almost perfect.
Of course it leaves a nasty digital "scar" and JoJo now needs some serious skull replacement.

By taking part of JoJo's hair from the left side and delicately dropping it into the photo and blending it - voila!



Click the icon for an MPEG clip of Dave


Click the icon for an MPEG clip of Dave




Click the icon for an MPEG clip of Mike



Click the icon for another shot of Mike








Click the icon for an MPEG clip of Spanky |

Click the icon for an MPEG clip of Spanky