Agora Stage / Artists 2
L to M






I missed the name of this trio - I was just watching them while waiting for another clinic to start.
I was really fortunate - the percussionist was nothing less than amazing. Watch the clip!
PS: If you know the name of the percussionist or the band - please let me know!
There are 3 clips of this tabla master

And now for something complete different... |

In my opinion, accordians are the pickled ginger of the sushi bar we call Messe.
It's also a chance to take a break form the aural assualt in Hall 3 and take in some excpetionally elegant craftsmanship...

If you can't make the connection between drums and accordians
after looking at this French beauty. then...you just don't get it.

The stunning combination of color and texture, of metal and wood, of chrome and abalone.

REALLY Orange county

That's right - an acrylic accordian.

Rodney Branigan
Accordians and...guitar players with interesting styles!

Swiss drum maker Andre Lauper had some of the most intriguing concept drums at the show. These drums are made from oak barrels that were once used to produce wine. In addition to a great sounding snare drum, included is a bottle of said wine - you guessed it - from the cask that is now your drum!

Most intoxicating snare drum

The outside of a very nice burgundy |

And the stained inside!

Andre also has this little jazz number at his booth.
Very thin shells and the thing sounded exceptional.

Last year Lefima was a little camera shy and refused to allow drumsmith.com to take pictures of their products.
This year it was a different story...


A cool little fixture for attaching micro hats to a triple flange hoop

Beautifully antiqued, the snareis fitted with a very cool
set of gut snare wires. |

Wooden Tymps - fun!

Lefima's Stefan Aehnelt was kind enough to offer me a demonstration of this very - cool - bass drum that
dispenses beer - particularly handy on Saturday (note to self: we must add one of these next year).
What Stefan didn't explain was that they also wired up an night vision security camera as someone was coming in late at night and draining it....


Liverpool is a Brazilian stick and percussion insturment manufacturer. Of note were their Marfin sticks.

www.baquetasliverpool.com.br |

Latin Percussion |


The concept behind this throw off device is to allow the drummer to engage and disengage the snares with his foot.
Can't wait for the double pedal version.

The unit has a number of different features, but to be honest as intresting as it looked it was over-engineered and not particularly attractive.
Several visitors got their hair caught in it.

What was interesting at the LR booth was this drum made from a piece of granite.
Perfect for those who are into heavy rock or just enjoy getting stoned.


Ludwig's Jim Catalano takes the vibes out for a morning spin before the hordes arrive.


Jim, you stick to the vibes and I'll do the pics! |

At some point Ludwig might relaize that there is actual demand for the Legacy line with large Classic lugs, curved spurs and *sigh* stramped bass drum claws with T rods. Sadly it won't be anytime soon.



The Legacy series IS a great sounding kit. I've played them
in several different environments and they always sound great.
Do you know the difference between a Legacy and a Legacy Classic?
I do. |


www.ludwig-drums.com |

This is one of those things that you might not see even if you ARE at the show. Drum maker Gabriel Ashford brought these to samples to show me and it's easily evident that she does really great work and that she loves what she does. |



The Dan Cloutier signature model