

Some of the art work inside the monument... |




Rome is a city that has a great romance with water, be it drinking it or using it in sculpture.
This sorry SOB's well went dry.




The view from the top of the monument - spectacular.

Looming clouds would not "ruin" our day... |

The Colosseum |

Andrea and Paul take a beather - it's a lot to take in and in this shot Paul looks like he has taken A LOT in! LOL!
Up the grind with you man!


The rear of the Monument to the lost soldier can be seen in the distance

Andrea and Paul in front of the Colosseum |

A place to find an addition to my trinket collection.

Andrea takes a drink from the "big nose" which is essentially a public drinking fountain.
The water is actually
very clean and tasty.

After a hike around the colosseum, we dicide to head for dinner.
This is a view from one of the streets that surround the coloseum. |

Some nifty Italian body work.
Andrea told us that this vehicle is effectively a covered motorcycle and that
drivers as young as 14 can legally operate them.
You may have heard about how crazy the traffic is in Rome - or Italy in general.
It is a little nuts, but I found the adjustment very easy to make and I
actually prefer that style of driving. Which may explain a few things!

"The Club"...Roman style.

We stop for dinner at a great familt style restaurant. The food is incredible, however Mason
got into the Fernet, an acquired taste if there ever was one. Sorta like flat cola and bleach mixed together. We washed it down with some Limonella.