Sticks Magazine Event

S to T



The famous Sabian guillotine.
Perfect for chopping amplifiers or
severing unwanted family ties.

The new APX line

You're really not famous until you've had your picture taken with Glenn.


OK, look at the expressions on all of the faces in this group.
Try to spot the Canadian.


JoJo delivers the goods while Spanky takes it in.





Silver Fox

Neil Grover's Silverfox sticks.
Word is that Grover and Dunnett Classic are teaming up to produce
a concert / symphonic line of snare drums





Hometown boys Sonor put on a much more extravagent showing at Messe than at NAMM.

The Sonor line is simply stunning and it sounds really, really good.
The aesthetics are breathtaking. They know how to make a drum kit.
Unfortunately, they also know how to charge for a drum kit.



Sonor parade and marching drums

Micky Dee's (Motorhead) son takes a Sonor kit for a test drive.




Giant Price


Sticks Magazine

On Thursday evening we were treated to a little cocktail party hosted by Sticks magazine.

Sticks editor Axel Mikolajczak says a few words

One of the delights of the party was observing the manner in which those little white sausages were consumed.
The traditional? method is to suck the meat out of the skin.
Looks funnier than it sounds.

This fellow and the fine, fine fraulein beside him served up some of the best and coldest German beer
we had ever had while in Germany. Unfortunately for me the next morning, they served us LOTS.



My pals Bill Detamore and Giovanni Chianrini

Stein Way

Bill, Gio, Mason, DED and the author. Those are BIG steins.


As the evening progesses not even the autofocus can save me...

In the immortal words of Nick...

The Sonor AR rep, Randy Black, David Langguth and what was left of me.

These sweet girls took very good care of us.

So...after consuming...we made our way back to the hotel, but not before stopping at the Agora tent where Messe was entertaining the forgeigners.

Apparently the foreigners don't like least not after 6 of these large brewskis!

Dunnett. Classic.

So, feeling somewhat...lively and mischievous...
on a dare from my companions
I managed to make it through 3 levels of security, take the stage and
air drum for a packed house on a kit that was set up for the following day.
And we'll just leave it at that.


Blackwood is Ray Ayotte's latest venture. Blackwood Music Products Inc. is a partnership Ray Ayotte, Peter Kueppers and Henk Kroes. The Blackwood sticks are manufactured using the same patent as that used by Carbostick in Germany. Blackwood, however, is a different formulation. It is designed to be quite a bit stronger and just a little heavier and won't leave black marks on your heads and cymbals. I'll have some of these with me for sale at the Chicago show.