"An honest drum makes it's own friends."
Feedback from Dunnett Classic owners is the purest form of endorsement. I've never paid anyone to play my drums, so when I get emails and calls from satisfied clients I know their appreciation is sincere and without obligation - and that means a lot to me. If you own a Dunnett Classic or George Way drum and you are inclined to share your ownership experience, please do!
These are what I call endorsements:
"I've never heard a drum with such dynamics as this one. It always sounds crisp and it never loses it's warmth and body, no matter what kind of tuning I do. And I do like the "honk" it gives. It's much more warm and mellow (in the butter feel sense) than I thought and it's speaks up, even with the guitar amps on 11." CL - Austria
"The drum came the day before I left for the Chicago Vintage Show. I stayed up till 3am that night playing it. (That speaks for itself). I didn't hear anything better at the show, I can assure you. Since then I have used it on 4 or 5 gigs in various settings and I really dig it. I have several artists here at the vault today and we're all grooving on it. Its fundamental pitch belies its 4" depth. It has plenty of low end crack, but without loosing high end responsiveness and articulation. Also very dry...like a martini. Are you picking up on the fact that I love it yet??? Wide snares on the bottom seem to perfectly match the drum. Very balanced I think is the best way to describe it.Thanks again for making such a great instrument." MV - Georgia
"I must say I have never been as impressed with a drum as I am with my Dunnett. It is the most versatile instrument I have ever encountered. It possesses an amazing number of voices and I have discovered I can play the gentlest of buzz rolls and the snare wires are right there with me.
I have a collection of 18 other snare drums (including a Grover concert snare and a Craviotto) and not one of them is a patch on "Lindsay". Ebay will overflow with snare drums tonight..." MJ - Australia
"I purchased one of your snare drums on Friday from the Guitar Center in Seattle. I used it for two gigs over the weekend with my band and I'm in love! Thank you for your craftsmanship and attention to detail. This is a truly excellent drum." LD
"Just finished recording the last drum tracks for the cd & wanted you to know that the producer & engineer said "that's hands down the best sounding snare i've ever heard". it sounded so good they wouldn't put any reverb on it ... all neumann room mics & a 57. SWEET!!" JA - Memphis
"The craftsmanship you put into this drum is incredible, and the sound ... the sound!! I have been playing drums professionally and semi-professionally for 38 years, and this may be the best stainless drum I have ever heard (and I've heard and owned A LOT of snare drums!) Hell, it IS the best stainless drum I have ever heard! Now I see what all the fuss is about on the message boards.. Supreme sensitivity across the drum and it seems to take any tuning I can throw at it, from deep fatback to high-pitched jazz tuning, without loosing sensitivity or tone." JJ
"Ronn, the drum is simply remarkable. It slammed The 19,000 seat Target Center in Minneapolis on Wed. Then adapted nicely to 650 seat Briar St Theater in Chicago on Thurs. Then blew the roof off the 21,000 seat United Center on Friday night (nationally televised). Then back home to The Briar St. again for 3 shows on Saturday and 2 on Sunday. 10 shows this coming week (and every week) at The briar St. The sound of the drum is so pleasing that it has actually improved my stroke, inspiring me to relax more on impact. So the head lasted longer than normal. As each set progressed, I kept thinking the drum was detuning but every time I check, it hadn't at all detuned. The drum was so fat (phat) sounding it was fooling me. No kidding, I don't usually go on and on about gear. After all, it's just gear. It IS NOT the music. But my experience with the drum this week was so satisfying, I just had to relate it back to you." JQ - Chicago
"It is perfect. I have played it about 3 times with my band for worship times at our church, and I have played it several times in practice also. God likes it. heh. It really sings. I wanted something with a higher pitch and strong attack without loosing dynamics from the drum. This one certainly filled my order. I love the diversity of sounds that I can get out of the drum. The rim shots are excellent. I wanted something that can help to create a trademarked sound. I think this will work perfectly." JB
"Hi Ronn. I got the snare today, thanks!! Exceeded my expectations by Exactly 10 Miles, What an Instrument!! I keep asking myself why I screwed around for the last 3 Years trying out various vintage snares! This unit blows them all AWAY!!!" AG
"I just did a two day session at The Factory and The staff suggested that I use their snare. It had a signature and a number 1 inside the shell. I don't know if this is the drum you talk about in your website, but it certainly kicked the shit out of the one that I brought. This snare still was a key element In getting the overall drum sound we wanted. My next snare drum purchase is definitely going to be a Dunnett. Thank you for doing so much research and correcting things that lots of mass producers overlook. CHEERS!!! K - Vancouver
"The drum work't out f***'ing great, man it's a killer." DC
"oh MAN i love this drum. It feels like there's nothing i can't do with it musically! it's fat, powerful and absolutely refuses to choke at a high tuning." NA - Los Angeles
"Got my snare drum and have been playing it ever since. Nice sharp cutting sound and nice workmanship. Thanks for including all the info on the inside engraving. Definitely a quality snare with killer rim shots. You do fine drumsmithing and I'll cherish this drum for years to come." DL
"I'm getting more and more comfortable with it all of the time. It's proving to have great tone, solid character, and good flexibility. It has quickly become my "main use" snare drum [out of an arsenal of 5 drums that all have strong appeal and good characteristics, this is saying a lot]." EFC
"I want to thank you for making me such a beautiful snare drum. The sound is open, powerful, cutting and sensitive. It's a dream to play. I will be back!!" MF - Sweden
"A classic piece of work, beautiful... I am more than pleased." JA - Minnesota
"This my new favorite snare ... and I'm not just saying that. It has been behind the kit and never been replaced ever I since it came home ... records great and feels great!!! I haven't looked at my other 30 snares!!!! feel is very important to me. It feels like I'm hitting substantial wood without having a 7 inch drum between my legs ... sounds unreal ... very "pop music" kind of sound which I love. I'm very very happy with it. Well done." AS - Vancouver
"You are a true artist. This snare is simply amazing! I was shocked by the fatness of sound, the sensitivity and the REAL thinness of the shell." RS - Arizona
"I wish I had written you sooner, I absolutely love this drum. I have never really found any metal shell (production) that I can tolerate, much less own. However, this 10x4 is so open, I can't wait until I place an order for a 14"model. I have been very busy with this drum and get a lot of great feedback on it. I can't help but tell every drummer friend (and some non-drummers too) about your products." ÊSB - Seattle, WA
"I used it for two gigs over the weekend with my band, Hannah's Prayer, and I'm in love! Thank you for your craftsmanship and attention to detail. This is a truly excellent drum." LD - Seattle, WA
"I have been using it non stop, before getting this drum I was using my Edge snare mostly. RW - USA
"The drum is amazing!!! (duh, right?) I'm overjoyed, as I've been in the studio, and it is such a relief to have such an incredible instrument. It does exactly what I want it to do, which is to have the versatility to go from super fat to really tight with full body. It is the only drum I've played besides the 1920's brass Ludwigs that produces a truly solid, full sound with "crack" at the same time. I think it will sound really cool with narrow snare strands, also: I think this would give it even more "body" for certain situations." JW - Los Angeles, CA
"I want to thank you for making me such a beautiful snare drum. The sound is open, powerful, cutting and sensitive. It's a dream to play. I will be back!! IM thinking of a 5x12 snare but that's in the future. Thanks Again". MF - Sweden
"I first want to thank you for building me one of the most beautiful snare drums that I have ever owned. First thing: THE SOUND IS AWESOME!!!!!! The sound is everything that you describe in your literature, but words do not convey the ASS KICKING POWER of the drum!! For example when we set the drums up I placed the snare to my left as a backup if the electronics went down. Just for fun I gave it a medium rim shot. Do you know that when I hit that thing the fire & security alarms in the recording studio went off and the studio owners dog started howling (we caught it on videotape no kidding!) The look on everyone's faces!!! Anyway!! Thank you for being the master drum builder that you are. Please do not stop what you are doing. If you did the world would be a sad, sad, place. Thanks again for everything, You are the maddest of the mad scientists!! I only hope that more people can appreciate the great, great work that you are doing!!! " DM - Norristown, PA
"The drum is still the best. I took it to my old high school and "tested" it with the band. Definitely not what I'm used to but it sounded beautiful. Certainly no bad overtones whatsoever. The feel is exactly what I had in mind. The drummers there were amazed with the drum. I guess they would be considering they've never seen cable or the blue "gut" snares. What I found cool was that with just the blue "gut" snares the drum can almost pass for a field drum, when tuned correctly. I must say that it's mighty convenient to just throw some switches and have a completely different sounding drum. The real fun starts when I go back down to South Florida and show it to all my friends. Thank you for all you've done. Your work and craftsmanship is unmatched by anyone else." DC - Florida
"I like the drum a lot I've tuned it to where it's got nice crack from both snares. I like the contrast between the bright and dark snares a lot. The dark I use for blues and funkier stuff and the bright for jazz...I'm getting more and more comfortable with it all of the time. It's proving to have great tone, solid character, and good flexibility. It has quickly become my "main use" snare drum [out of an arsenal of 5 drums that all have strong appeal and good characteristics, this is saying a lot]." EC - California
"Totally in love...the most amazing snare drum I think I've ever heard." JS - Seattle, WA
"All my Supraphonics are in the closet". KD - Vancouver, BC
"Yeah I think you're right, the more I play my new snare the better it sounds. I especially like the color I get off the rim shots. Those steel hoops make for very crisp edge and rim play. You're also right on with your snare beds. I've heard some say that cutting the snare beds in doesn't help much, but I can notice that lack of snare buzz, which actually makes the whole drum set sound better. Your bearing edge also makes for cleaner crisp sound as my other steel snare which is a Pearl Chad Smith has a little mushier sound to it...I much prefer working directly with the person who makes the drum:)" DL - Alaska
"I just can't tell you how much I like this drum... in the evening I played with it and tried to incorporate the snare into my whole kit - I had so much fun with this I hardly could stop! Some minutes ago I came back home an still had to look one more time for my baby (too bad that it's too late to play some strokes more... - but tomorrow...!!!) This is a very very sexy little drum - looks fantastic (better than I ever expected!!!!) and sounds very very funky! Thank you very very very much for answering all my questions about this drum and everything concerning it...I'd like to congratulate you again to your work, ideas and especially for building such a fucking great sounding and looking Snare drum for me!!!" CG - Austria
"Absolutely loving the drum!! this may sound ridiculous, but i play much better than before. It's so responsive, I naturally play with a better feel. It does require a bit of discipline, but once I got used to it, it's almost effortless to add the light touch work that gives my playing more life. This drum has more tone, resonance & sustain than most guitars. & the power .......YIKES!! Anyway, I'm impressed with everything about it & I appreciate the time & advice you've given me & I look forward to future purchases." JA - Memphis, TN
"The new snare is great. I had to call you last night after I got back from the studio. It is loud, tight, loud, sensitive, dynamic, loud, did I mention loud? Seriously, it is great. I'm definitely going to have to work on my chops and ghost notes, they are all crystal clear. No cheating. I think it will be my main snare for my alternative band and I'll use the 14x7 for my cover band. It really is an unusual sounding snare. I can't believe such a little drum can get such a big sound. Have you made a 12x4 before? Like the 14x7 it sounds as if it were miked and produced. It has such a rich sound." PG - San Francisco
"It is sweet. It is awesome. The whole drum kicks ass. The guys in my band were even blown away...so far I am blown away at how responsive it was and my current band is pretty loud and I was still able to do some delicate things without losing it in the wash. I can't wait to record with that drum. I know the engineers I regularly work with are going to be impressed. Thank you Ronn for making me such a fine quality instrument. I have already got my eye on a titanium drum with cold rolled hoops with the v clamps and tube lugs. Excellent work man. I am impressed." SJ - Jacksonville, FL
"The Titanium snare you sold me is astounding!" LP - Los Angeles, CA
"Your snare drum f**king rocks! Thanks a lot, it was well worth the wait. You are the man!" JG - Milford, Pennsylvania
"These drums is beautiful. The Maple is exactly what I need it to be, and boy is it classy looking! The Ti is a nasty little bugger. I brought these drums to show my students, and they all dig the black hoops with the raw titanium. Makes it look very industrial. Thanks for making these drums. It's a pleasure to be able to play your drums, and will guard these things with my life! I really appreciate your advice with these drums, you've always been able to meet or exceed the picture in the mind's eye. I'm probably the first guy to own 3 of your drums, suppose it makes me a junkie. Well, there's probably worse things to be addicted to- like (ugh) guitars! Thanks a million!" KR - Vancouver, BC